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Swagelok Danmark

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

HSEQ Coordinator

Phone: +45 7612 1962
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Sabrina cares for helping others - it is that simple. This is of benefit both for the customers and her colleagues. She works with quality, working environment and support for her colleagues.

”The need for helping others are definitely what drives me. I thrive on helping others, both when helping them find solutions to their challenges and when giving them a good experience when they contact us. Furthermore I care for my colleagues to feel good”.

To Sabrina it is simple - “It is all about giving the customers a good experience - to smile when you are on the phone. It is important to give the customers a positive experience when talking on the phone. I try to help in the best way possible - to listen and stay positive. It also suits me very well working in a company where quality is of such great importance.”

Smiling on the phone and excellent service comes natural to Sabrina. The technical competencies which are essential when helping customers and guiding them into creating the right solutions is however learned by doing - and the learning continues.

“I am still learning something new every day. Some things can be read and some things I have to ask my colleagues, it suits me really well as I am always keen to learn new skills”.

The will to, and need to always seek new knowledge has given her tight connections both at the Swagelok office in Esbjerg but also amongst the other offices around the world.

”It is all about solving problems. And if you are not able to solve them yourself, you need to be able to find the right person to do so.”

When not helping customers and colleagues at Swagelok she spends her time on her horses and - not surprisingly, volunteering. ”I just love helping others, also in my spare time. You cannot help everyone, even though I would like to”.